Unless otherwise attributed, all content, text or image, on this site is © TaunaLen 2005-2010.
All rights reserved. Republication or redistribution is prohibited without prior written consent.

Monday, January 31, 2011

Fighting a Liar

I am lighting a fire
with a hand full of fuses
pockets of sticks and stones

I am fighting a liar
who stands by the window
refusing like hell to fight back

My world pours with rain
turning glass to a wall
soul bleeding out on the floor

My world roars with pain
and the ash melts to mud
truth blowing away on the air

Come wind, tease my ears
swell against my cold heart
revive now my life from this ruin

Come wind, ease my tears
I’ll lean into your strength
rise from the ashes and soar


Step with me into argent pools
of September moonlight and
we'll rinse away the last strands
of sunlight from our skin.

Turn your face up into
the velvet black sky and
inhale all the tranquility
of a full-moon night.

Whisper your troubles
to the moon, he'll listen
with care, then set them
adrift on wisps of cloud.

Then dance along with me
in the freedom of knowing
what it is to love, to need
to give and simply to be.

No matter the distance
from your body to mine
our souls can join hands
across what divides us.

Meet me underneath the
harvest moon this night,
my soul-friend I'll join you
and for a little while.

We'll slip the coat of this
heavy world from our
shoulders, and rest for
a time in the arms of night.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011


Alone is twenty minutes long;
it ticks and whispers,
taunts me.

Alone is every day you're gone-
the darkest nights spent
at sea.

Alone's a vast and silent song-
the howl that breaks skies,
shakes trees.

Alone is bitter on my tongue.
An icy north wind
flies free.

Alone is twenty minutes long;
I breathe and count them,

Poetry Prompts

Grab a word or phrase from this ever- changing list, and write a poem of your own. Be sure to let me know where I can read it in the comments section! I'll feature poems I love right here on the site, and link back to your site, too!

1. Meteor Shower due tonight, Tuesday, August 11, 2009. Write a poem about shooting stars.

2. Choose a cliche' and switch it up. For example: Instead of "just a drop in the bucket" try "just a grain of rice in the jambalaya". Now use this new phrase in your poem.

3. Pick three key items from your childhood memories of summer. Use them in a poem.

4. Start with a line from your favorite poem. (You could cheat a little and choose a line from a novel.) Recycle that line into a first line for your poem, and start writing.

5. Begin with the words, "He said". Then switch to "She said." Use this as a launch for a poem about opposing views.

6. Looking Through the Glass -- write about what you see through a window, a drinking glass, a pair of eyeglasses, a fishbowl or in a mirror... any sort of glass will do.

7. Write a poem where the sounds of the words are as important as what they mean. There's no wrong way to do this, just listen to your words and have fun with it.

8. Grab a book of poetry and choose a favorite, or look up a poem online. Select five words from that poem and incorporate them into your own.

9. Check out Poetic Asides Wednesday Poetry Prompts.

10. Check out Totally Optional Prompts!


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Awards and Publications

Won third place in the Facebook poetry contest hosted by Facebooker's Guide to the Poetry Universe, with the poem "Winter Sleep".



by Lisa Beaudoin @DancingWithPens

Autumn leaves fly
in the wind, blow
across the land, crumble
under foot, and color
soil in shades alive.

Pages flutter,
as books are read,
folio all, tapestry
of words, sprinkle
silently across sight.

People wisp away
from our life, littering
memory with faint
remnants, crumbling heart,
and stalling soul.

© 2009 Lisa G. Beaudoin

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